Thursday 18 October 2012

New header?

Heey:) As you can see I'm working on the blog design, so excuse me if in the next days there are some things that aren't working or not looking good at all, I hope I'll finish it soon and that at the end it looks how I'm planning it ;) the most difficult thing is going to be the header, I'm already thinking for a long time to do something special, but I'm not that good with all the informatic stuff hahah :P Any ideas? Maybe a cool website or tutorials? I would be very grateful for any type of help :) xxx


  1. Beautiful pictures!
    Ich habe leider keine Idee, aber Google doch mal Copy Paste Love, aber ich bin mir sicher, dass du den Blog schon kennst.

    Greetings from New Zealand

  2. Dankeschön :) Ja, ich fand die Party schön :)

  3. Thx dear* following bak :)



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