Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Menorca, part 1.

Hi peeps :) Today I wanna show you the first part of my Menorca photos! I've been there last week from Tuesday night until Friday for a photography school trip. It was an amazing experience with cool adventures and we have learned so much about light and shadows. If you don't believe me, the photos of the lightpainting were taken in a huge dark cave in the middle of nowhere in the middle of the night - and it was raining. We had very bad luck with the weather.. it was raining most of the time. On our second night we went to a very big and old house in Ciutadella where we took these fantasy shots (much more of this session will come soon!!!). Oh and also a video of our trip is coming soon, but first I need the time to edit it.. the last 3 or 4 weeks I only have been traveling from one place to another.. tomorrow I fly to Vienna until Sunday! See you soon and hope you like the first Menorca pictures :) 

And btw, our trip was mentioned in the newspaper of Menorca, you can read it online HERE! (only in Spanish).

Thursday, 18 April 2013

Les Corts, Barcelona

Today I wanna show you some shots I made for a school project. The topic was to report and photograph people living and working in our neighborhood "Les Corts". Actually it's a very interesting area, there are a lot of cozy and beautiful streets, parks and quiet places to relax, but on the other side there is also the "Diagonal" a very big street with a lot of traffic and high buildings. There is a mix of cultures, and of course always a lot of football fans (most of them are tourists haha) who go to visit the "Camp Nou". 
Hope you like that type of pictures, have a good evening! Tomorrow is Friday, yaay :D

Sunday, 14 April 2013

Baby, better don't make me angry..!

This weekend was again a shooting weekend :) Today it was Aida's turn to model for me, it was her first time but she did it quite well. Some cool shots turned out, and believe me, actually she isn't the bad and angry person you see on the pictures! hahaha killer look :P Start well into the new week, dear readers :)

I'm a country girl

Here are some pictures I did of Ari yesterday. She's such a happy girl, always smiling :) Hope you all are having a great weekend, people <3!

Monday, 8 April 2013

I can feel spring on my skin

Flowers, flowers everywhere! Spring is finally here. Let's hope it stays :P Have a great week, people!

Model, make-up and styling by Noa
Photo and retouching by me
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