Sunday, 30 September 2012

We'll keep movin' on..!

Good afternoon everyone! Hope you're having a great weekend, mine is very realxing so far. My younger sister came yesterday for the first time to visit me in my new flat in the big city. Unfortunately it was raining all day long, so we decided to go to the shopping mall 'L'illa' in 'Les Corts', where I bought some new shoes which I'm in love. This morning we decided to do a little photoshoot in my corridor because the light was so nice. Isn't my sister pretty? I love this pictures of her! Hope you enjoy the rest of the Sunday and have a great start into the new week people :)

Friday, 28 September 2012

Memories: Fuerteventura

Olympus E-450

I think my blog is going to die if I don't get more free time to work on it.. I'm really sorry for that, but I have so much work to do for school ,and nothing related with taking pictures yet.. that's why here aren't appearing interesting shots. But, finally Friday is here!...and it's, while lying here in my bed and writing this post, there is nothing I'm wishing more than beeing able to go again to the warm Fuerteventura, where we go every Christmas holidays, apart from this year :(. Hope you enjoy the pictures :)

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Schweres Hundeleben ;)

That is what happens if you relax in the sun and stand up for a second to get something... someone occupies the sun lounger! But you can't be mad at him, he is too cute. Sometimes I wish I could have his "difficult" life ;)

Thursday, 20 September 2012

Singapore #2

Hola people! yes, I'm back. Sorry for the lack of posts lately but I had so little time the last days that I couldn't take any pictures or post anything here. Three days ago I've started the photography school and I'm very happy about it, I feel like I'm doing the right thing. All the doubts I had before are gone now. Yes, I'm doing the right thing! You can't imagine how much I'm looking forward to the next 2 years, there is so much I still have to learn. So you'll see a lot of my work because I'll post it here :) but first I need to fix the bad internet connection in our flat, that was another reason because of my disappearance for so many days! Talking about the pictures; you see some shots of my Singapore trip back in February. I already have posted my favourite picture HERE, but I felt like showing you these ones too. Aww, I miss this place! And thanks so much for all your comments, I'll answer them as soon as possible . See you xxx

Thursday, 13 September 2012

All the right friends in all the right places

I just took this pictures a few minutes ago on our balcony. Natasha was there to have a cigarette and the light was just too perfect so I screamed to her 'Nasha, stay here, I go for my camera!', and actually she likes that I take pictures of her, hahah :) Do you like it? It would be great to read your opinions! and thanks a lot for all your lovely comments :D

Blogvorstellung bei My never ending story.

Wednesday, 12 September 2012

Tell me what you want to hear

The stress of the last days is over, we finally arrived in Barcelona. I hope I don't have to move again until I finish my studies, because it's a real mess, I'm so glad it's done! Maybe one day I'll show you some pictures of our apartment, but first we need to organize everything ;) But I already can show you some pictures I did the other night of my flatmate Alice in front of our little but cute balcony. Do you like it more in colour or black and white?

Sunday, 9 September 2012

Blogvorstellung: Ich will frei sein.

And the winner iiiiis.. Nele Marie von 'ICH WILL FREI SEIN'. Ihr solltet unbedingt mal bei ihr vorbei schauen, mir gefallen ihre Bilder richtig richtig gut! Ich habe mich einfach in ihren Blog verliebt, aber schaut am besten selbst nach, dann wisst ihr was ich meine ;)

Vielen vielen Dank an alle die mit gemacht haben, es waren richtig viele gute Blogs dabei :) Habt noch einen schönen Sonntag nachmittag, meine Lieben!

Wednesday, 5 September 2012

Vintage, Retro or Oldie?

And here finally are some pictures of yesterday's photoshoot with Natasha. I loved to collaborate with her. When I told her about my idea to take some photos in a vintage style on the beach with my car, she immediatly said that she wants to be the model. So I quickly grabed my camera and she two of her dresses. We had a lot of fun, you should have seen all the people passing by and looking at us.. all with a smile on their face!

Monday, 3 September 2012

This time I'm not leaving without you..

When I'm bored I usually start to photograph everything what is around me, and most of it is crap. Buuuut, sometimes there are some shots that turn out quite well. One of it is this one of my sister. That night we were talking before going to sleep and started to play a bit with my camera. Actually, today I realized that my sister is appearing more on my blog than any other person, I think it's because she is my own personal model :P She is always there when I want to do a photoshoot! Have a nice Monday evening people :)

Saturday, 1 September 2012

Give me a peanut!

I just wanted to show you this pictures from the day we went to Batu Caves in Kuala Lumpur. We had to go up all the stairs and at the top there was an indian temple. I never saw something like this before, it was very interesting. On our way up to the top we saw some wild monkeys, they were crazy for the peanuts, and so cute!
And btw, another stage of my life has finished, now I need to start packing my things, next week I move to Barcelona! Woop woop! :)

-Die bewerbungsfrist für die Blogvorstellung ist jetzt abgelaufen, nächste Woche werde ich den Gewinner bekannt geben. Danke für all die bewerbungen hier und auch per email :)

-Blogvorstellung bei 'The wild ones'.
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